If you generally like 3D Sonic games, then this would have been a decent entry into the series had bugs and poor controls/animations not got in the way. Upon completing all three campaigns, a bonus level would unlock, which concludes the remaining plot threads. The game featured Sonic, Shadow and Silver as playable characters, each with their own storylines. Sonic The Hedgehog (2006) first released on the Xbox 360 and later made its way to the PS3. Now, a YouTuber by the name of ChaosX has released the first publicly playable demo for the Unity remake, giving you the chance to test out the first level and submit bug reports. This Unity remake for Sonic 06 has been in the works for a while, with videos showing it off dating as far back as 2017, with an updated level playthrough in 2018. Still, that isn't stopping one fan from recreating Sonic 06 in the Unity engine, there is even a playable demo already available. There are likely many good reasons for that given the gripes many have against the game. While most of the console-bound Sonic games have also made it over to PC over the years, 2006's Sonic The Hedgehog has never made an appearance.